License Plate Recognition (LPR)

ViewCommander now offers a section for LPR. This is directly within the application, stored on your computer, and will be camera specific. To install LPR follow these simple steps directly on your main server: 

Step 1: Download both of these links and walk through the prompts

*When installing the “VCTools” click “Yes” to the Prompt that says the following–> 

Step 2: License your ViewCommander for LPR

  • Open ViewCommander
  • Go to the System Settings
  • Under the “General” tab, click on “Feature License”
  • Enter the key emailed to you here
  • Once entered, close ViewCommander and reopen it 

Step 3: Open Sensors & Events

  • In MultiView click on the camera you will be using for LPR
  • In the Video Configuration Panel click on the “Events” tab
  • Then “Sensors & Events”

Step 4: Create a Sensor

  • Click “Add” 
  • From the dropdown select “License Plate Recognition”
  • Check off “Activate Sensor”
  • Click “OK” 

Step 5: Create an Event

  • Click “Add” under “Events”
  • Name your Event
  • Add any license plates you would like to be notified of here
  • Click “OK” 

Step 6: Add Event Actions

  • You can now add specific Event Actions like a sound or flash box when that plate(s) is picked up
  • Under the “Audio Visual” tab you can select “Flash Box” and/or “Sound Audio Alert”
  • You can also set up email notifications. Click here for a video tutorial on setting up email notifications 

Step 7: Using the LPR Feature: Seeing a plate you entered in Step 5

  • Watching LIVE video you should see white/blue letters appear near license plates 
  • If you selected “Flash Box” in your “Event Actions” (Step 6) and your target license plate passes, a red box should appear around your LIVE video. 


  • If you do not know your license plate number before setting up LPR you can still search for one when needed. To do this follow these steps: 

    1.  Login to the remote web 
    2. Click on the “Archive” button 
    3. Select your camera, day, and time 
    4. Under “License Plate Recognition” enter your start and end date then enter your license plate number. This search allows for partial plates as well 
    **Please note: You will need to hit “Stop” when you click on a plate in the search. You may need to rewind. We are working on this to stop when you click on a plate.