Remote Web Access

ViewCommander can easily be configured to allow you to view video over the internet using just a web browser.  In ViewCommander, enable ‘Web Access‘ in the System Settings.

The next step will be to configure your router/firewall to allow remote connections to access the ViewCommander computer.

Because networks are set up in many different ways, and have different equipment, IVI can only provide general guidance on the steps you will need to do to accomplish this. There are also security concerns that need to be address as well.

Please refer to our port forwarding document here:

Port Forwarding Example

If you are non-technical, this is an excellent document to give to your IT Professional.

NOTE: If you would like to be able to access ViewCommander from outside your office network you will also need to setup port forwarding

3 Steps to setting up Remote Access

1. Enable Remote Web Access in ViewCommander

2. Allow ViewCommander through Windows Firewall (Advanced) 

3. Enable Port-Forwarding on internet router (Advanced)